Draw Near

I can clearly remember the first time I ever walked in to church. A good friend of mine had been inviting me to come for weeks and after saying no many times I finally gave in and said I would come. When I walked into the church there were bright lights, lots of friendly people and a preacher spoke a message about how God loved me and had a plan for my life. That night I sensed God’s presence for the first time and I will never forget it. I was only thirteen at the time, so this might sound a little crazy, but I honestly knew my life was changed forever.

James 4:8 (NIV) says, “Come near to God and He will come near to you…”

Every time we come to worship God, whether it’s in a church service or whether we are singing to Him in the car on the way to work, His presence is there. God is so faithful and He loves to meet with His people. I can’t wait to join together as a church on October 30th and meet with God. There is no limit to what God can do as we unite and lift up His name. I believe that just like my life was changed forever that first time I walked into church, many countless lives will be changed forever as we gather together.

Hannah Hobbs
(Hillsong Creative Team)